On Jan 26, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Markus KARG wrote:
> Paul,
> I do not agree with anything that you wrote, but please read again
> my original posting: I was not asking you to do anything, I asked
> whether we can live with the fact that people must write that
> little ".getStatusCode()" or whether I really shall supply a
> complete set of Response and ResponseBuilder just for this small
> inconvenience. I personally think we can live with the fact that
> ".getStatusCode()" must be written unless JAX-RS 1.1 will enhance
> the enum by HttpStatus, as I proposed in the tracker. But maybe all
> the others think that this is absolutely a no-go and there must be
> a special Response and ResponseBuilder. THAT is what I actually
> wanted to discuss, maybe I didn't explain clearly enoug...
> BTW, the WebDAV fluent API I described is not for building the
> response but solely for building the entity body (seems this was
> not clear).
Ah, sorry, i completely got the wrong end of the stick!
I think your proposal for enhancing the status is useful, i did not
realize we could make such a changes while still being backwards
So are you saying there is no need for a WebDAV specific response
builder if you have such status support? are there other use-cases
where you might require one?
> Thanks
> Markus
> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Montag, 26. Januar 2009 13:07
> To: dev_at_jersey.dev.java.net
> Subject: Re: [Jersey][WebDAV] is Response.status(WebDavStatus) needed?
> Hi Markus,
> As we have discussed before there is not much we can do about
> status codes for enums as the "enum" is not extensible so we can
> never define an extensible set, and we can never define a complete,
> because anything can extend HTTP. So i think we are discussing
> stuff we cannot do much about. In hindsight i wish we never
> provided an enum of status codes because of such restrictions.
> Also Response.ResponseBuilder is not extensible and it is not
> designed for ease of use of creating WebDAV specific responses. The
> solution of a specific builder, even if there is some duplication,
> is i think the best approach and as you indicate in your email on
> the Fluent API would be most useful for easily creating WebDAV-
> based responses.
> Paul.
> On Jan 25, 2009, at 7:03 PM, Markus KARG wrote:
> WebDAV defines several not HTTP status codes, which currently I
> have covered with my own enum. Unfortunately Response.status() does
> only accept int or JAX-RS Response.Status (not anything else, e.g .
> like "everything implementing a hypothetical Status interface"
> which would allow for extensibility).
> So currently to return a WebDav status code, one must write:
> return Response.status
> (ResponseStatus.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE.getStatusCode())
> what is not sice nice, since the "getStatusCode()" method must be
> called to transform the enum into an int.
> To solve this, in JAX-RS there is no other solution that to not use
> Response but WebDavResponse -- which has to be implemented exactly
> like Response, what is a lot of double code and work... :-(
> So the question is: Is it really annoying that "getStatusCode()"
> must be written or do I worry too much about this inconvenience?
> What do you think? Can we live with that, or is a WebDavResponse
> class needed...?
> Thanks!
> Markus