Hi Pedro,
could you provide some more details how to reproduce this issue? E.g.
for what classes/types you have this issue, the definition in the
applicationContext, which spring version etc. Or is this an issue for
types that are no spring beans at all?
Thx && cheers,
On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 03:28 -0200, Pedro Teixeira wrote:
> hi there,
> I'm just trying out version 1.0.1 and stumbled an annoying problem
> when the servelet is registering types.
> Fo some reason (not sure yet), a given type is returning null from the
> springContext.getType method.
> My current fix is to actually handle this possible null return in
> jersey's code, as follows:
> Class<?> type =
> ClassUtils.getUserClass( springContext.getType(name) );
> ** add this ** if(type == null) continue;
> if (ResourceConfig.isProviderClass(type)) {
> ----
> would be nice to have the check in the next realase ;)
> []'s
> Pedro
Martin Grotzke