On Jan 15, 2009, at 8:44 PM, Markus KARG wrote:
> Silly me. ;-)
> BTW, is that guaranteed to work together in all Java EE 6 servers? I
> mean,
> AFAIK an implementation of JAX-RS is free to not base it on
> Servlets, so
> maybe there could be a Java EE 6 server that is not able to apply a
> Servlet
> filter in front of JAX-RS, can that be the case? That would be bad.
Tis true. JAX-RS does not mandate that Servlet be used but does state
what is required if servlet is used. Note that we have not completed
the specification of JAX-RS for EE 6, but i don't recall we were going
to mandate that EE 6 use Servlet.
> Thanks
> Markus
>>> Well... Filters sounds good but actually (maybe I am blind) I have
>>> not seen
>>> something like that in the JAX-RS specification...?
>> You sight is fine :-) There is nothing in the JAX-RS specification.
>> You can use servlet filters or Jersey specific filters.
> Regards
> Markus
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