Re: [Jersey] jersey-spring 1.0.1 release

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 11:15:44 +0100

On Jan 13, 2009, at 7:56 PM, Markus KARG wrote:

> That sounds pretty great!
> If I could vote for, then ATOM and APP support shall not only be in
> the
> Jersey Server, but also in the Client API -- so people can write
> clients
> easily which read and publish ATOM documents... :-)

Thats the plan. The readers/writers will be usable on the server and
client (just like for Multipart MIME). BTW you could potentially reuse
the same readers/writers for WebDAV as well, especially if it makes
sense to encapsulate headers.


> Have Fun!
> Markus
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
>> Sent: Dienstag, 13. Januar 2009 10:26
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Jersey] jersey-spring 1.0.1 release
>> On Jan 13, 2009, at 12:17 AM, Bryon Jacob wrote:
>>> Paul - thanks, that worked great.
>>> I'm using Jersey for a wide variety of things, but currently the
>>> biggest effort is a new, completely rewritten version of Atomserver
>> (
>>> ) that uses Jersey for the REST interface, and uses Abdera for the
>>> Atom and APP object models...
>> Cool!
>>> I haven't come across any major pain points with Jersey yet, so I
>>> don't have any patches or ideas to offer... but if there are some
>>> features or bugs that are opportunities to get involved with Jersey
>>> dev, let me know.
>>> long story short - I would love to get involved. What areas of
>>> contribution do you have in mind?
>> One area that comes to mind is stuff around support for Atom with
>> Abdera, like what Craig is contributing, perhaps you could have a
>> look
>> at that and suggest improvements or work together on that area? Is it
>> not designed to a complete fully functioning Atom(Pub) server but
>> more
>> enabling Atom or AtomPub support in an application that may also
>> support other services. Personally i would like to see the ability
>> for
>> some abstract resources classes a developer can extend to support
>> feeds and entries, where one plugs in to a particular data source.
>> Another area is more integration with Spring:
>> - It is currently not possible to support JAX-RS/Jersey annotated
>> parameters for constructors of Spring beans;
>> - Integration with Spring MVC.
>> Another area is to support Java beans for forms (both URL encoded and
>> multipart/form-data).
>> The features/areas we are currently investigating and planning (in
>> addition to Atom) are:
>> - Client API integration with Apache HTTP client;
>> - Support for Guice 2.0 (if/when Guice 2.0 is ready!);
>> - Improved JSON support with JAXB
>> - Resource specific filters
>> - WebDAV support
>> - Comet support with Atmosphere (see
>> One area i would like to spend more time on but do not have it is to
>> investigate better support in Scala and Groovy, if required. For
>> example, language specific wrappers for certain classes, use of
>> partial functions etc.
>> GWT integration?
>>> The list on the wiki
>> (
>>> ) seems a little out of date..
>> I know :-( i need to update it.
>> Paul.
>>> thanks again!
>>> Bryon
>>> On Jan 12, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>>> On Jan 12, 2009, at 8:51 PM, Bryon Jacob wrote:
>>>>> Do you guys have any plan for a 1.0.1 release of jersey-spring?
>>>> Yes, it moved under the contribs area:
>> spring/1.0.1/jersey-spring-1.0.1.pom
>>>>> I've been using jersey and jersey-spring for a while now, and we'd
>>>>> like to cut a release of a project that uses them... but maven
>>>>> doesn't let us use the release plugin while we're dependent on a
>>>>> We could build and cut our own build of jersey-spring internally,
>>>>> of course, but it seems like jersey-spring 1.0.1 is pretty stable,
>>>>> and I can't find any issues that would block it from being
>>>>> released. If there's anything that we could do to chip in and
>>>>> help you get jersey-spring to an official 1.0.1 release, I've got
>>>>> a couple solid developers who would be willing to help out...
>>>> Thanks for the offer of help, for the spring support as is it
>>>> should be OK but I can think of areas of contribution if you would
>>>> like to get involved :-)
>>>>> thanks for jersey, BTW - we are loving it!
>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> - Bryon
>>>>> P.S. apologies if this got sent twice, it seems that the message
>>>>> might have been rejected the first time, so I'm re-sending.
>>>> No rejection, the list is moderated and sometimes it takes a little
>>>> time to approve it, depending on who is awake and online :-)\\
>>>> Paul.
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