On Jan 13, 2009, at 12:17 AM, Bryon Jacob wrote:
> Paul - thanks, that worked great.
> I'm using Jersey for a wide variety of things, but currently the
> biggest effort is a new, completely rewritten version of Atomserver (http://atomserver.codehaus.org
> ) that uses Jersey for the REST interface, and uses Abdera for the
> Atom and APP object models...
> I haven't come across any major pain points with Jersey yet, so I
> don't have any patches or ideas to offer... but if there are some
> features or bugs that are opportunities to get involved with Jersey
> dev, let me know.
> long story short - I would love to get involved. What areas of
> contribution do you have in mind?
One area that comes to mind is stuff around support for Atom with
Abdera, like what Craig is contributing, perhaps you could have a look
at that and suggest improvements or work together on that area? Is it
not designed to a complete fully functioning Atom(Pub) server but more
enabling Atom or AtomPub support in an application that may also
support other services. Personally i would like to see the ability for
some abstract resources classes a developer can extend to support
feeds and entries, where one plugs in to a particular data source.
Another area is more integration with Spring:
- It is currently not possible to support JAX-RS/Jersey annotated
parameters for constructors of Spring beans;
- Integration with Spring MVC.
Another area is to support Java beans for forms (both URL encoded and
The features/areas we are currently investigating and planning (in
addition to Atom) are:
- Client API integration with Apache HTTP client;
- Support for Guice 2.0 (if/when Guice 2.0 is ready!);
- Improved JSON support with JAXB
- Resource specific filters
- WebDAV support
- Comet support with Atmosphere (see
One area i would like to spend more time on but do not have it is to
investigate better support in Scala and Groovy, if required. For
example, language specific wrappers for certain classes, use of
partial functions etc.
GWT integration?
> The list on the wiki (http://wikis.sun.com/display/Jersey/Contributing+areas
> ) seems a little out of date..
I know :-( i need to update it.
> thanks again!
> Bryon
> On Jan 12, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> On Jan 12, 2009, at 8:51 PM, Bryon Jacob wrote:
>>> Do you guys have any plan for a 1.0.1 release of jersey-spring?
>> Yes, it moved under the contribs area:
>> http://download.java.net/maven/2/com/sun/jersey/contribs/jersey-spring/1.0.1/jersey-spring-1.0.1.pom
>>> I've been using jersey and jersey-spring for a while now, and we'd
>>> like to cut a release of a project that uses them... but maven
>>> doesn't let us use the release plugin while we're dependent on a
>>> We could build and cut our own build of jersey-spring internally,
>>> of course, but it seems like jersey-spring 1.0.1 is pretty stable,
>>> and I can't find any issues that would block it from being
>>> released. If there's anything that we could do to chip in and
>>> help you get jersey-spring to an official 1.0.1 release, I've got
>>> a couple solid developers who would be willing to help out...
>> Thanks for the offer of help, for the spring support as is it
>> should be OK but I can think of areas of contribution if you would
>> like to get involved :-)
>>> thanks for jersey, BTW - we are loving it!
>> Thanks!
>>> - Bryon
>>> P.S. apologies if this got sent twice, it seems that the message
>>> might have been rejected the first time, so I'm re-sending.
>> No rejection, the list is moderated and sometimes it takes a little
>> time to approve it, depending on who is awake and online :-)\\
>> Paul.
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