On Jan 2, 2009, at 8:43 PM, Markus KARG wrote:
> In the next days (weeks) I will further add features and fixes to
> the branches/webdav branch and let you know when I think it is
> stable enough for the next steps (like integration into Jersey
> itself).
OK. My strong preference would be for some unit tests to be present.
> Please have a look at the pom.xml and overall project structure. I
> am no Maven guru, so maybe you will detect things that are not
> correct. Please send me your proposals how to improve it, if needed;
> I want to learn. :-)
Did you look at the existing pom files in the source? I will take a
look on Monday.
> For the sample: As it is dependend of the WebDAV support, and as
> WebDAV support is in the contrib project (not in the overall Jersey
> project), I do not see a chance to split the sample out into the
> samples project -- it just won't find it's dependency to WebDAV
> anymore, unless you manually install it into your local repository
> before.
mvn install will compile, test and install the artifacts to the local
repo. You do not need to do it manually. Also when this moves to the
trunk it will get built, installed and automatically deployed to the
java.net maven repo.
> So I think the sample cannot get splitted into its own project
> unless WebDAV is part of Jersey itself. But maybe I am wrong?
It is not an issue. It can be part of the samples just like the spring
sample where the spring code resides on contrib as well.