Hi Dong,
thanks for the answer. I don't want to spam the dev-list with another
discussion about documentation and idls. The point about the "client api"
was, that I just want to have a look at existing "frameworks". I don't want
that the guys of the jsr/jersey have to develop one. They have enough to do,
when I think about Stefan words. Because of the "uniform interface" you
don't have to use such a api, but it could be nice and maybe helpful for
java developers. It's like having a API for the google calendar to use it.
(No discussion here, just an example :)) Or an API for the Amazon REST
Service, which takes over writing the header with your authorization.
Some meanings about the webdav example? ;)
Best Regards,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Dong Liu [mailto:edongliu_at_gmail.com]
Gesendet: Sonntag, 24. Februar 2008 03:54
An: dev_at_jersey.dev.java.net
Cc: daniel.manzke_at_googlemail.com
Betreff: Re: Introducing, Thanks and Ideas
I had a conversation with my boss about REST last week. The point that came
up was that it is good if there is no such "client api" from the same vendor
for a released service in many cases. The reason is straightforward. It
implies that the client/consumer side is really loosely coupled with the
server/service side. That is what uniform interface brings.
For IDL and REST, Steve Vinoski had two stared blogs
On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Daniel Manzke
<daniel.manzke_at_googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> first I want to introduce myself. My name is Daniel Manzke and I'm a
> member of the "Java User Group - Berlin Brandenburg". I'm working for
> a german company with headquarter in berlin and I'm really interested
> in all things about web services, integration and interoperability.
> The next thing I want to do is a BIG thanks to Stefan Tilkov for his
> nice presentation. I know jersey since 0.2 so there not so many new
> stuff for me, but some really nice conversations and questions. (I
> know Stefan will smile now ;))
> The last thing is, I want to tell you some open points which we could
> not solve. Because I'm developing with jax-ws I had some other
> views/meanings about web services than Stefan. One of the big points
> was the missing "client api". I have to say, that I really love the
> simple way to develop REST-Services, but there is really a lack of a
> client api. Stefan told us to use "Apache HTTP Client", but that's
> not really a solution. He told us that there are some kind of client
> apis and I'm very interested in them. For research or developing as a
project. Like a jax-ws common project I have.
> The problem I forgot the name of the guy who had this. Stefan can you
> Another point was the missing "code generation feature". With a wsdl
> you could generate your missing classes. I know that there's
> something called WADL, but didn't had a look at this yet. The problem
> is that for "enterprise" usage I need some kind of interfaces. I know
> that HTTP is the "interface" because of the standardized methods, but
> I have a lack of existing resources which this application would have.
> An idea is, that there's a description file which points out all "ways"
> (ressources) and every ressource is described through an XSD. And if
> I have a "client api" all things would be complete and I could
> generate an api for calling the rest service.
> The last ones are:
> There was an idea for webdav support. Due my work with the JCR /
> JSR170+JSR283 I asked how to solve some kind of recursive structures.
> Because with the JCR you can create some kind of a tree and it's hard
> to solve this with rest. Stefan told us of some spacers like ** or so
> on. I will looking forward.
> A very good choice for using the JCR api is webdav, because of the
> ability to handle the repository like a filesystem. Due my lack of
> knowledge of the webdav protocol an simple example would be very nice
> and I thing a big "marketing point" for the restful services. Stefan
> was some kind of interested in that, but I had no time after the
> presentation to fix this idea.
> So enough spam.
> Again, a BIG thank you for the presentation and a BIG thank you for
> this nice API.
> Greets,
> Daniel
> P.S: I will help where I can. If you need my "man power" just write
> me a mail.
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Dong Liu