Re: All resource reps instead of reference

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 18:02:16 -0800

>> I do not know of such an option.
> We discussed about this but it was dropped because of other higher
> priority. I just file this issue to keep track:

I think this would be useful. I achieved it as described at:

Does that seem reasonable ?


>> If such a feature were supported i think it would also require a
>> paging mechanism, for example using a query parameter (with a default
>> number of entries embedded in the representation so that the size of
>> the representation does not become too large).
> This is already implemented by Peter. For example:
> http://localhost:8085/WebApplication9//resources/customers/?start=0&max=10
>> Potentially another feature is to only return a partial set of
>> informtion for each entry rather than a complete embedded
>> representation i.e. just enough important information for a client to
>> make a decision whether they need to get the whole representation from
>> the URI.
> We also discuss about this more flexible option. This might requires
> some JAX-B support for dynamic list of properties and attribute during
> marshaling. Or, we might have to provide some custom marshaller.
>> Note that HTTP pipelining and caching can make also things reasonably
>> efficient, but it will still involve a latency to report not modified
>> responses. But IIRC caching support is yet to be implemented.
>> Paul.
>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>> A Jersey endpoint return results like:
>>> -- cut here --
>>> -
>>> <events
>>> uri="http://localhost:8080/WebApplication2/resources/events/">
>>> -
>>> <eventRef
>>> uri="http://localhost:8080/WebApplication2/resources/events/1/">
>>> <id>1</id>
>>> </eventRef>
>>> -
>>> <eventRef
>>> uri="http://localhost:8080/WebApplication2/resources/events/2/">
>>> <id>2</id>
>>> </eventRef>
>>> -
>>> <eventRef
>>> uri="http://localhost:8080/WebApplication2/resources/events/3/">
>>> <id>3</id>
>>> </eventRef>
>>> -
>>> <eventRef
>>> uri="http://localhost:8080/WebApplication2/resources/events/4/">
>>> <id>4</id>
>>> -- cut here --
>>> Is there an option (that can be configured on the endpoint or passed
>>> as parameters to the URL) such that the result contains all the
>>> resources instead of reference to the resources ?
>>> -Arun
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