Re: resource model validation

From: Andrei Badea <Andrei.Badea_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:49:32 +0100

Nam Nguyen wrote:
> I believe NetBeans JPA validation does have the capability of showing
> JPA error/warning stripe quite instantly. I suspect that there are some
> JPA validation or model hooks that NB persistence support implement.
> Maybe Andrei (cc'ed) could shed some light on the JPA validation mechanism.

The JPA verification hooks into the Java infrastructure using an
EditorAwareJavaSourceTaskFactory. It computes the hints whenever called
by the Java infrastructure (which happens e.g. when the current file is
reparsed) and uses HintsController to make them visible.

See JavaProblemFinderFactory and JavaProblemFinder in
