Re: New dependency for jersey-pom.xml

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 10:31:07 +0100


I have updated the


to include:


I understand that is the minimum that is required.

I think there may be a bit of flexibility here and we could push the ASM
stuff out a little later, say end of next week, if maven users are
willing to do a manual install in the interim. It would be nice to give
the ASM guys a little bit more time rather than pushing something
temporarily to


Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Aaron Anderson wrote:
>> It would be best if the ASM project updated the central repositories
>> themselves with their latest release. I sent an email to their mailing
>> list requesting that they do so.
> Me too.
>> If this does not happen before Friday then the Jersey ANT build script
>> can be modified to temporarily add the ASM release along with the
>> jersey jar to the repository.
> I was wondering if that would be considered impolite in terms of Maven
> etiquette. I was advised that if we do this we should use a different
> groupId.
> My preference would be to not to do that but... i don't use Maven (yet!)
> and don't want to make it harder for the maven users...
> Paul.

| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz