Clint Combs wrote:
> I recently began developing against the Jersey implementation of the
> JSR-311 API and like what I see. I'm especially pleased with the
> changes coming with the new 0.5 version of the JSR-311 API.
Thanks for the positive feedback.
> What is the status of the implementation of the 0.5 API in Jersey? Are
> you close to cutting a stable release? If not, can you tell me how far
> along you are? 30%... 50%... 80%?
Very close, about 90%. By the end of the week we should be finished
making minor tweaks to the Jersey API aspects (the JAX-RS API aspects
are stable). Next week should be bug fixing and testing only and we plan
to release on the Friday Jan 18th (see here [1] for schedule).
If any one wants to help out next week by testing with their own code
and/or downloading and testing the examples [*] that would be great!
[*] Ideas/contributions for more examples would also be most welcome
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Paul Sandoz