Hi Clint,
could you please provide some details?
Compilation log? Java version?
Please see attached log. After a fresh checkout
i am able to build the project just fine
( % svn co $JERSEY_REP ; cd jersey ; ant ).
Using jdk 1.5.11, ant 1.7.0.
On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 07:20:58PM -0500, Clint Combs wrote:
> I just downloaded the latest sources from Subversion. It compiled fine w/
> one exception. There's a call to
> m.marshal(a, wadlFile);
> in com.sun.ws.rest.api.wadl.WadlGeneratorTask.execute(). It looks like it's
> expecting a different version of JAXB(?). Does anyone have an info on this?
> Thanks,
> Clint Combs
> http://www.ccombs.net/
> clint_at_ccombs.net
Jakub Podlesak