Re: All resource reps instead of reference

From: Nam Nguyen <Nam.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:38:55 -0800

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Nam Nguyen wrote:
>> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> Nam Nguyen wrote:
>>>> This is already implemented by Peter. For example:
>>>> http://localhost:8085/WebApplication9//resources/customers/?start=0&max=10
>>> Oops, i should keep more up to date. Very good! i just had a close
>>> look at the generated code :-)
>>> Is there a change log between updates and/or feature set docs that i
>>> should be looking at?
>> This is one I would love to know how jersey project infrastructure
>> setup for it.
> I do it by hand, just adding things as i make changes. I would like to
> automate it somehow...
Maybe each project milestone should have an umbrella issue that would
collect all features/improvements/fixes through issue dependencies.
A milestone release document could be generated automatically by some
report tool.
Or, we just have a link to the milestone umbrella issue. The UI on each
issue page should have option to display the list of blocking issues.
