Re: Publish jersey and dependent jars to Maven repository

From: Aaron Anderson <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 08:13:34 -0700 (PDT)


Last Friday I checked out the Jersey 0.2.1 branch, added the maven build support to it, and then published the artifacts to the Jersey subversion repository at

I looked at today and I didn't see the artifacts there yet. Did I check in the artifacts in the correct location? The maven_repository daemon is capable of checking out the artifacts from SVN as opposed to CVS, right?

I suppose we should wait until the localizer.jar file dependency requirement is taken care of first before attempting to publish another maven release.



Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM> wrote: Jakub Podlesak wrote:
> Hi all,
> Aaron suggests to push [localizer.jar] file along with Jersey
> artifacts to maven repository. The reason is that then he
> would be able to mavenize Jersey build process. [localizer.jar] is
> the only dependency jar, which is not available on a maven repo yet.

This is one of those cases where we just grabbed it without thinking
about the future consequences!

> I think we should ask people producing the [localizer.jar] file for
> it, or at least let them know we want to push the jar to the
> maven repo.
> Does anybody know where was the [localizer.jar] file taken from? (And
> whom to contact in that matter?)

It was from an internal project Kohsuke created. AFAIK it is not on The jsr311-api.jar also has a dependency on this jar.

The same functionality is in JAX-WS 2.x runtime, but in the package
"" but i don't want to create a runtime
dependency on jaxws-rt.jar just for this functionality.

Probably the most expedient thing to do is repackage the localizer.jar
into the jsr311-api.jar, so that other implementations can be created
independently of Jersey. This should be quite easy to do and we can pull
in the latest 311 jar to Jersey. Then we can think about how to solve
this problem better without stopping distribution to maven.

On timely related matters we have just had a request to make the
jsr311-api.jar available on Maven so that developers can start
implementing. I don't know if it is an issue for other developers or not
that jsr311-api.jar will be distributed with jersey.jar to the maven
repository. I tend to look at it as a good thing because the API and RI
are kept in sync, thus a developer could compare their implementation
with the RI to see if it is doing the same thing.


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    Paul Sandoz
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