Re: Contribution to the Jersey project

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:39:05 +0200

Aaron Anderson wrote:
> Because all of the Jersey developers are more comfortable and familiar
> with ant and the existing ant build script actual invokes the
> incorporated netbeans project ant build script I agree that we should
> target the m1 repository for now. Besides, m2 is backwards compatible
> with m1 repositories so both m1 and m2 developers could use the same
> artifacts.
> Here is what I propose:
> 1. We a directory called maven is created under trunk/jersey. This will
> contain the following four files:
> a. maven-repository-importer.jar file, containing the ant task used
> to package the release files in the maven distribution format.
> b. jsr311-api-pom.xml, a m2 POM for the JSR311 api.
> c. jersey-pom.xml, a m2 POM for the Jersey jar file also containing
> it's core dependency references
> d. The example m2 POM I submitted earlier that wraps the ant build
> process. This can be used by developers who use maven in order to deploy
> the latest snapshot of the code from the checked out source to their
> local repository.
> 2. I will add the documented "push-to-maven" ant targets to the jersey
> build.xml.
> After this is done, every time a new version of Jersey is released the
> releaser simply has to run the ant "push-to-maven" target to publish the
> updated maven artifacts to the repository.

Sounds good.

> To get things started, could you add the maven_repository user to the
> project as an observer?



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    Paul Sandoz