Because all of the Jersey developers are more comfortable and familiar with ant and the existing ant build script actual invokes the incorporated netbeans project ant build script I agree that we should target the m1 repository for now. Besides, m2 is backwards compatible with m1 repositories so both m1 and m2 developers could use the same artifacts.
Here is what I propose:
1. We a directory called maven is created under trunk/jersey. This will contain the following four files:
a. maven-repository-importer.jar file, containing the ant task used to package the release files in the maven distribution format.
b. jsr311-api-pom.xml, a m2 POM for the JSR311 api.
c. jersey-pom.xml, a m2 POM for the Jersey jar file also containing it's core dependency references
d. The example m2 POM I submitted earlier that wraps the ant build process. This can be used by developers who use maven in order to deploy the latest snapshot of the code from the checked out source to their local repository.
2. I will add the documented "push-to-maven" ant targets to the jersey build.xml.
After this is done, every time a new version of Jersey is released the releaser simply has to run the ant "push-to-maven" target to publish the updated maven artifacts to the repository.
To get things started, could you add the maven_repository user to the project as an observer?
Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
"If you are using maven2 to push files, using the m2 repository is
easier to use, and if you are using maven1 or Ant tasks to push files,
using the m1 repository is easier. "
I know very little about m1 or m2, so do not know which one is better.
Since we are using any to build i am guessing m1 would be a better fit.
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