Re: Ending '/' is required for UriTemplate value?

From: Peter Liu <Peter.Liu_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 14:05:22 -0700

This looks exactly what we need. When will this be implemented in jersey?



Marc Hadley wrote:
> See the path method of the new UriBuilder class in the 311 API
> Its not yet implemented in Jersey but hopefully that will meet your
> requirements when it is implemented. To do what you describe below
> you'd write something like:
> URI uri =
> UriBuilder.fromResource(SomeResource.class).path(subResourcePath).build();
> if SomeResource has a URI template of "foo" and subResourcePath is
> "bar" then uri will be "foo/bar".
> If you are in the resource for which you want to make a sub resource
> URI you'll also be able to write
> URI uri = uriInfo.getUriBuilder().path(subResourcePath).build();
> since UriInfo know the current request URI.
> Marc.
> On Aug 2, 2007, at 4:21 PM, Peter Liu wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> Here is the context. Currently, when we generate the UriTemplate, we
>> append it with "/".
>> The reason is to make it easy for us to create an uri for a
>> subresource from the parent
>> uri by using the resolve() method since the resolve() strips off the
>> last segment in the uri.
>> So, the question is whether there is another simple way to achieve
>> the same result
>> without us having to append a "/".
>> Thanks.
>> Peter
>> Nam Nguyen wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> Could you please explain (again?) the reason for this requirement.
>>> It seems to me this is just some temporary work-around rather than
>>> be part of JSR specs.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Nam
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> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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