Re: feature bag in ResourceConfig and new options <was> Re: reducing double slash to a single slash (//->/) in http servlet request path info ? bug or feature ?

From: Jakub Podlesak <Jakub.Podlesak_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 18:25:11 +0200

Hi Paul,

please see in line...

On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 03:27:23PM +0200, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Jakub,
> Your patch looks like a good start. You have found all the relevant areas.
> Some suggested changes:
> - Refer to string constants using documented public static final
> variables which are part of the API.

Do you mean public static final variables of [] ?
> - For the string constants use a naming convention, for example:

Probably not, since otherwise the naming convention would be different:

[<name>Feature] or so

Maybe I misunderstood?

> - RedirectToCanonicalURI implies PreserveContSlashes. Perhaps we should
> have the following:
> Redirect
> If either the features NormalizeURI or CanonicalizeURIPath are true
> and the application of normalization and/or canonicalization to the
> request URI result in a new URI that is not equal to the request URI
> then temporarily redirect the client to the new URI.

i am not sure we need the redirect feature then, since
redirect == (normalize || canonicalize)

> NormalizeURI
> Normalize the request URI as specified by URI.normalize().

You mean as specified in *javadoc* for URI.normalize() ?
i.e. we can't use just URI.normalize() at the moment to compute it, right?

> CanonicalizeURIPath
> Canonicalize the path of the request URI by removing contiguous
> '/' from the path.

i.e. how URI.normalize() works at the time being?



> (all default to true)
> Jakub Podlesak wrote:
> >>then we need to add relevant options to the APT tool and modify it to
> >>generate the correct ResourceConfig code and modify the runtime
> >>accordingly.
> >
> >I suggest to have following options:
> >
> >-Anoredir :
> > no redirects to canonical URIs at all (however are they computed)
> >-Apreserveslashes :
> > whenever a request is redirected and whatever method is used
> > to compute the canonical URI, multiple slashes must be preserved
> >
> IMHO I think we should have the APT options correspond exactly to the
> features:
> -Aredirect
> -AnormalizeURI
> -AcanonicalizeURIPath
> that have the same defaults as the features, and support a boolean value
> (from using Boolean.valueOf) the absence of which assumes true, for example:
> -Aredirect # value is true
> -Aredirect=false
> -Aredirect=true
> You may want to consider creating a temporary branch and commit changes
> to that (just in case you loose stuff locally), then when it is ready
> merge with the trunk, and then delete the temp branch. IIRC this is a
> common way of working with SVN.
> Paul.
> --
> | ? + ? = To question
> ----------------\
> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
> +33-4-76188109
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