Re: Ending '/' is required for UriTemplate value?

From: Nam Nguyen <Nam.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:11:10 -0700

Marc Hadley wrote:
> On Aug 3, 2007, at 1:30 PM, Nam Nguyen wrote:
>>> Terminating a URI template with a '/' also has another function: if
>>> the matching request URI does not terminate with a '/' then the
>>> client is redirected to a request URI that terminates with a '/'.
>> Could runtime implementation is such that UriTemplate("customers")
>> and UriTemplate("customers/") identify the same resource?
>> I think it would be confusing if we have:
>> http://somehost/customers
>> and:
>> http://somehost/customers/
>> locate 2 different things.
> If you have a resource whose template is "customers/" and you don't
> have one whose template is "customers" then both URIs will result in
> the same resource - i.e. a request for "customers" will redirect to
> "customers/". Conversely, if you have a resource whose template is
> "customers" and you don't have one whose template is "customers/" then
> a request for "customers/" will give you a 404, i.e. it won't redirect
> to "customers".
> The above is in line with the way lots of web sites work so hopefully
> it will be fairly intuitive for developers.
OK, basically it is recommended to have ending '/' for all resources,
even those without sub-resources (non-container).
