Re: reducing double slash to a single slash (//->/) in http servlet request path info ? bug or feature ?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 14:41:17 +0200

Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>> Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>>> The same bug is in [] as well
>>> (maybe the root cause since [getPathInfo] just returns a previously set
>>> variable value).
>> Feature or bug, i think it might be a bug...
>> My understanding was that URI.normalize() would remove contiguous '/'
>> from the path, at least that is what i was using it for. So perhaps i
>> was using a bug as a feature :-)
> You wanted contiguous '/' to be removed from the path? I do not understand why.
> To correct possible typos in URIs?

Sort of, it is for two reasons:

1) to redirect to a canonical 'cool' URI; and

2) so that the application does not return 404s.

For example go to these URIs:

the latter returns a 404, but it would be nice to redirect to the former.

Another example:

they both return the same thing.

The two previous examples show inconsistencies in coolness where as the
following is IMHO better:

>> From [1] it is clear that './././' should be replaced by '/' but as
>> Marc says there is nothing about contiguous '/'.
>> Jersey by default normalizes the URI. If you use a HTTP sniffer you
>> should notice a redirect. See the handleRequest of
>> public void handleRequest(ContainerRequest request,
>> ContainerResponse response) {
>> final WebApplicationContext localContext = new
>> WebApplicationContext(this, request, response);
>> context.set(localContext);
>> if (resourceConfig.isRedirectToNormalizedURI()) {
>> final URI uri = request.getURI();
>> final URI normalizedUri = uri.normalize();
>> if (uri != normalizedUri) {
>> response.setResponse(ResponseBuilderImpl.temporaryRedirect(normalizedUri).build());
>> return;
>> }
>> }
>> Thus we can workaround this by switching off redirection. But, this
>> requires that we add an option to the APT code that generates the
>> ResourceConfig class so that the
>> resourceConfig.isRedirectToNormalizedURI returns false.
> I think normalization of URIs is ok as long as it affects only dot segments.
> (I do not think it is reasonable to use URI templates like "dir1/dir2/../res1"
> instead of "dir1/res1")

Right, URI.normalize() should do what the specification says.

> Attaching a patch for the "URI in URI case", but I think
> it is not the right way to go.

Hmm... not sure. We need to make this independent of the container and
my gut feeling is the ensureStringIsPartOfURI is a bit of a hack.

1) Change isRedirectToNormalizedURI to be isRedirectToCanonicalURI
    and clearly specify this as being URI normalization + changing '/+'
    to '/'; and

2) Specify an APT processing option to switch redirection off.

it might make sense to split 1 into two options: normalization; and
normalization with '/+' -> '/'.


> ~Jakub
>> Paul.
>> [1]
>>> The following code:
>>> --cuthere--
>>> URI baseURI = new URI("http://host/path1//path2");
>>> System.out.println("baseURI.toString() = " + baseURI.toString());
>>> System.out.println("baseURI.normalize().toString() = " +
>>> baseURI.normalize().toString());
>>> --cuthere--
>>> Generates:
>>> --cuthere--
>>> baseURI.toString() = http://host/path1//path2
>>> baseURI.normalize().toString() = http://host/path1/path2
>>> --cuthere--
>>> ~Jakub
>>> On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 01:19:43PM -0400, Marc Hadley wrote:
>>>> According to RFC 3986[1], section 3.3 the : is allowed in a path
>>>> segment so there shouldn't be any reason to encode it. In addition I
>>>> don't see anything about removing double '/' characters so I think
>>>> that getPathInfo has a bug.
>>>> Marc.
>>>> [1]
>>>> On Jul 25, 2007, at 9:03 AM, Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have tried following url:
>>>>> http://localhost:8080/Bookmark/resources/users/japod/bookmarks/
>>>>> and noticed, that corresponding HttpServletRequest (tested on
>>>>> glassfish) provides:
>>>>> getRequestURI() ->"/Bookmark/resources/users/japod/bookmarks/ftp://
>>>>> getPathInfo()->"/users/japod/bookmarks/ftp:/"
>>>>> ^^^^^^^^
>>>>> Please note the missing slash in the latter (ftp:/ instead
>>>>> of
>>>>> Is this a bug or a feature?
>>>>> ~Jakub
>>>>> P.S. It causes an exception in [setURIs] method of
>>>>> []
>>>> ---
>>>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
>>>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
>> --
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>> Paul Sandoz
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    Paul Sandoz