Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Peter Liu wrote:
>>> True, but the code ain't complex for tooling support:
>>> for (Method m : clazz.getMethods())
>>> if (m.isAnnotationPresent(HttpMethod.class) ||
>>> m.isAnnotationPresent(UriTemplate.class)) return true;
>>> return false;
>> For us, it is a bit more complicated since we are working with source
>> files and we have to use our complicated
>> Retouche java source api :-)
> Ah i see, :-( so you are not using the one in SE 6? Even so, what one
> often needs is an XPath-like query over ASTs.
>> I agree your suggestion in the other reply regarding showing this
>> graphically using nodes. Other people have asked for this and we
>> haven't had the time to implement it. I guess this would be the
>> impetus for us to implement it.
> OK, although I suspect it is a fair bit of work...
Ideally, we would hook this onto our existing Web Service node for
wsdl-based services. However, I don't know
what kind of changes we need to make to the infrastructure. Anyway,
I'll talk to people in our extended web service team
and see if this is feasible.
> Paul.