- Changing JAXB's optional + nillable code generation default behaviour
- com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.ValidatingUnmarshaller does not skip any-content
- controlling inheritence/inlining classes
- jar files in jaxb 2.2.6 lib are built by Java6 and cannot be used under Java5
- JAXB 2.1 - unmarshal out of context
- JAXB implementation for Java 1.5.0_16
- JAXB object "versioning"?
- Optimizing JAXB RI Marshal performance
- Optimizing JAXB RI Marshal performance (solved)
- Optimizing JAXB RI Unmarshal performance
- Last message date: Tue Sep 11 07:54:22 2012
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:10 2017 PDT