- 2 schema
- [jaxb]can not generate right jaxb object
- [xjc] [ERROR] compiler was unable to honor this property customization.
- A type to represent a collection of XML elements - how to ?
- Annotating a class with a sequence inside a choice
- Eclipse XJC Plugin
- Element children of same type but different names
- Exception to Soap faults
- generics in XSD ?
- How can JAXB generate getter method for boolean?
- j2s annotating, class extends ArrayList
- javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException- with linked exception:[com.sun.msv.verifier.ValidityViolation: unexpected attribute
- JAXB 6u3 -> 6u4 6u5 setter/getter weirdness
- jaxb2 - duplicate element issue
- JAXBModelFactory exception
- Preserving whitespace in attributes on unmarshalling
- Problem with code generation for double (floating point numbers)
- Problem with namespace
- Restricting xs:anyType
- RSS schema ?
- Unmarshal BPEL file with StAX and JAXB
- Using interfaces plugin problems
- Where I can download an archived snapshot of JAXB user guide?
- xjc - force consistent order in generated annotations?
- XJC ant task
- XJC Plugin
- Last message date: Sun Apr 27 21:21:03 2008
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT