Re: Modular Compilation: How to access "Episode" information via the "Outline" in the plugin API

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 20:07:24 +0100


Disclaimer: I'm the author of JAXB2-Basic ( Not an Oracle employee/JAXB

> Now, my assumption is, that somewhere the upstream module’s „episode“
information must be loaded into the „Model“ of the current module.

Episode files are just bindings files with SCD binding. An episode file
basically says the following:

<bindings scd="x-schema::tns" xmlns:tns="">
    <schemaBindings map="false">
      <package name="net.opengis.csw.v_2_0_2"/>

"Target namespace will be mapped to
the package net.opengis.csw.v_2_0_2, but don't generate any classes."

    <bindings scd="~tns:AbstractRecordType">
      <class ref="net.opengis.csw.v_2_0_2.AbstractRecordType"/>

"Use the class net.opengis.csw.v_2_0_2.AbstractRecordType for the complex
type AbstractRecordType"

    <bindings scd="~tns:ElementSetType">
      <typesafeEnumClass ref="net.opengis.csw.v_2_0_2.ElementSetType"/>

"Use the enum net.opengis.csw.v_2_0_2.ElementSetType for ElementSetType".

Probably a few more things of this kind. But it's all just binding files
with a bunch of jaxb:class/_at_ref. Episode don't have any "special"
representation in the model. For any tasks you want to do with episodes,
you just have to analyze the model for the effects of the applied episode.
In the case of jaxb:class/_at_ref this will be a CClassRef instead of

If I understood you correctly, you want to find the fully qualified class
name for a QName of a certain complex type. You're then interested in
CClass instances which are either CClassInfo or CClassRef. CClassInfo are
available via model.beans. And CClassInfo has getTypeName() which should
return the QName of the originating type.

CClassRefs are trickier (this is why you're asking, I guess). They are not
listed in the model. So you'll have to scan the whole model and gather

CClassRef also has a getTypeName(), but that's always null. I see two
approaches to find out the qualified type name for a CClassRef:
* Get XSComponent via cclassRef.getSchemaComponent() and find out the
qualified name from there. However I am not sure that it is initialized
* cclassRef.fullName() gives you a fully qualified name of the class. If
that class is available from the classloader, you can find out the type
name from that compiled class using the reflection on annotations.

The first way is much better, of course, but I'm not sure you'll have the
XSComponent on cclassRef.

FYI in JAXB2-Basics I did quite an effort to "brush pu" the XJC model that
it's a bit more usable:

This does not cove your case, though.

Best wishes,

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 5:01 PM, Mirko Klemm <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Currently I’m developing a plugin for XJC. In order to support modular
> compilation, i need to access the bindings defined in the „episode“ file in
> upstream modules.
> Specifically, I want to resolve a complexType’s type use via qualified
> name against the class and package name defined in an upstream module,
> given all the possible customizations of class and package names that may
> have been applied in the upstream module.
> Now, my assumption is, that somewhere the upstream module’s „episode“
> information must be loaded into the „Model“ of the current module.
> How can i access this information from my plugin while my downstream
> module is compiled in XJC?
> Thanks!
> Mirko