Helping out with jaxb2-commons

From: <>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:00:42 +0000 (GMT)

(I just sent the following email to I
afterwords noticed that the project page refers to the jaxb mailing
list for help, so I'm copying it onto this list as well).

We have, for a fairly long time, used the fluent-api plugin. Now, we
are considering using the value-constructor plugin as well, but can't
really seem to find it :-)

Having looked around a bit, I have quite a few questions:
* Where did the fluent api source code go?
* Why is the value-constructor plugin source code separate from the
rest of the project?
* What happened to the wiki pages?

I'd like to help in getting these things resolved. What's the best way
of going about this?