Re: JAXB version bundled with JDK 1.6 update 5

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 16:34:45 -0700

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Bhakti Mehta <> wrote:
> Tatu Saloranta wrote:
> > I noticed that the unofficial user's guide had references to JAXB RI
> > versions included in first versions of JDK 1.6,
> > but not for update 5. Is it still version 2.1.3 (assuming u4 had
> > 2.1.3) or a later version? Also, is there an easy way to figure out
> > version included either programmatically or by looking at JRE
> > deployment?
> >
> I checked in U5. it is 2.1.3 You can check xjc -version in the
> JAVA_HOME/bin and that will confirm

Thanks! This will make it easier to verify the version.

I assume that it is unlikely that later builds of 1.6 would contain
more recent version than 2.1.3? That's ok since I can just include
unbundled JAXB RI, just need to make sure not to rely on bundled one.

> > Also: I assume replacing bundled version should work by just adding
> > reference implementation jar in classpath, and letting service
> > introspection work its magic and use this one, not the jdk-bundled
> > one. Is this correct?
> >
> Yes that is right

Very cool. I like things that "just work" :-)

-+ Tatu +-