Kostis Anagnostopoulos wrote:
> Hi,
> i have finished the first development round of the JAXB-1.x plugin for Maven-2.
> I have uploaded the sources along with the maven-generated site into
> the dev.java.net project's CVS, and here are the results (not very
> aesthetically pleasing though, but it is OK for round one):
> https://jaxb1-maven2-plugin.dev.java.net/introduction.html
I think you'd like this better:
This is a feature of java.net.
> To Kohsuke: I'm expecting you to upload the plugin into the
> dev.java.net maven repository, if this is not much of a trouble.
> After this step, i could make a more official announcement about this
> plugin.
I tweaked the POM a bit for this and pushed it. I can commit a shell
script so that you can push for yourself (once wagon-scm is available,
this should get fully automated.)
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi_at_sun.com