Re: JAX-WS compatibility question

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 15:42:20 +0200

  compatibility betwen 2.1.x releases is expected. Compatibility between
2.x releases usually means there's an API/Spec update, and thus it is
not guaranteed to work in the direction you are suggesting - building
with 2.1.x and runnning on 2.0.x,

On 7/3/12 9:28 AM, wrote:
> Hi JAX-WS Development,
> I am Thimon, Development Group Leader of Thomson Reuters Thailand.
> We build our web service application using JAX-WS library. We
> implemented our application by following the contact first approach.
> We defined the WSDL and XML schema files and use the JAX-WS library to
> generate the Web Service artifacts.
> I have got question regarding the compatibility of JAX-WS. Since the
> JAX-WS is regularly released the new version, if we built our
> application using JAX-WS 2.1.3, can it be run on the application
> server that is using JAX-WS 2.1.7 or even the older version like 2.0.
> We have got one customer using Oracle iPlanet which already bundle the
> JAX-WS 2.0.
> Your recommendation and suggestion would be much appreciated.
> Thanks and regards,
> *Thimon Lamkongka*
> Development Group Leader
> *Thomson Reuters*
> Phone: +6626489810
> This email was sent to you by Thomson Reuters, the global news and
> information company. Any views expressed in this message are those of
> the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states
> them to be the views of Thomson Reuters.

Martin Grebac, SW Engineering Manager (Metro/JAXWS/JAXB RI)
Oracle Czech, Prague
ICQ: 93478885