JAX-WS compatibility question

From: <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 14:28:24 +0700

Hi JAX-WS Development,


I am Thimon, Development Group Leader of Thomson Reuters Thailand.


We build our web service application using JAX-WS library. We
implemented our application by following the contact first approach. We
defined the WSDL and XML schema files and use the JAX-WS library to
generate the Web Service artifacts.


I have got question regarding the compatibility of JAX-WS. Since the
JAX-WS is regularly released the new version, if we built our
application using JAX-WS 2.1.3, can it be run on the application server
that is using JAX-WS 2.1.7 or even the older version like 2.0. We have
got one customer using Oracle iPlanet which already bundle the JAX-WS


Your recommendation and suggestion would be much appreciated.


Thanks and regards,


Thimon Lamkongka
Development Group Leader

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +6626489810


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