Re: Plugging in new codegen module for wsgen (AGAIN)

From: Rama Pulavarthi <Rama.Pulavarthi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2008 21:39:46 -0700

Hi Jason,
May be you are talking about wsimport. Wsimport handles the generation
of Java classes starting from wsdl.
Wsgen is a annotation processor that lets you generate WSDL and runtime
classes from Web Service classes.
JAX-WS also generates some code at runtime using ASM.

If you want to extend the tools, there are some pluggability points like
WSDLParserExtension, WSDLGeneratorExtension, JavaGeneratorExtension etc.
You can find information about these in the JAX-WS architecture document
Tools architecture is available at
Pluggability for custom Java generators is somewhat limited with the
current tools. Some re-architecture to Tools is in the works to provide
more extensibility points using etc.

Rama Pulavarthi

Jason Weinstein wrote:
> I'm still waiting on a response?? Can anybody point me to an internal
> developer that may be able to help?
> Thanks
> Jason Weinstein wrote:
>> NOTE: i cross posted to jaxb and jax-ws email lists.
>> I would like to utilize the wsgen framework to generate java code for
>> wsdls which are not soap based.
>> I am looking to generate classes which implement the wsdl operations.
>> The arguments/return to the operations would be jaxb objects i'm
>> thinking.
>> The interfaces generated i think are mostly correct for my uses, but
>> it would be the implementation of the java interface methods which i
>> want to change, etc.
>> I have two separate cases.
>> 1) in which the codegen uses only the abstract wsdl to generate the
>> java code
>> and
>> 2) in which the codegen uses the concrete&abstract parts to generate
>> the java code
>> How can/does one plugin in their own code generators/emitters to
>> wsgen? Or any other/better means to generate the code?
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
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