I'm still waiting on a response?? Can anybody point me to an internal
developer that may be able to help?
Jason Weinstein wrote:
i cross posted to jaxb and jax-ws email lists.
I would like to utilize the wsgen framework to generate java code for
wsdls which are not soap based.
I am looking to generate classes which implement the wsdl operations.
The arguments/return to the operations would be jaxb objects i'm
The interfaces generated i think are mostly correct for my uses, but it
would be the implementation of the java interface methods which i want
to change, etc.
I have two separate cases.
1) in which the codegen uses only the abstract wsdl to generate the
java code
2) in which the codegen uses the concrete&abstract parts to
generate the java code
How can/does one plugin in their own code generators/emitters to wsgen?
Or any other/better means to generate the code?
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