Re: determination of return type for Bare (non wrapped) messages

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 11:35:19 -0700

My bad, should have looked closely. Yes, tns:SOAPHeaderInfo will go as
INOUT and inoutHeaderResponse should go as the return type.


Kamath, Navin wrote:
> Thanks Vivek.
> The answer to the 2nd question is contradicting the 1st answer.
> Because there is only one pure out part in the output message i.e
> inoutHeaderResponse (don't go by the name, it is just a cooked up
> example), it should have been the return type as per 2.3.2
> Since it non-wrapper style, as per 2.3.2 and what you say in 1., it
> shouldn't be void but InoutHeaderResponse instead.
> Can you please clarify?
> Regards,
> Navin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: 25 May 2007 19:12
> To:
> Subject: Re: determination of return type for Bare (non wrapped)
> messages
> Kamath, Navin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can an expert please tell me what should be the Java mapping for the
>> given abstract input and output messages?
>> <message name="inoutHeaderRequest">
>> <part element="tns:inoutHeader" name="me"/>
>> <part element="tns:SOAPHeaderInfo" name="header_info"/>
>> </message>
>> <message name="inoutHeaderResponse">
>> <part element="tns:inoutHeaderResponse" name="the_response"/>
>> <part element="tns:SOAPHeaderInfo" name="header_info"/>
>> </message>
>> Should it be this?
>> public org.apache.samples.headers.InoutHeaderResponse inoutHeader(
>> @WebParam(targetNamespace = "",
>> partName = "me", name = "inoutHeader")
>> org.apache.samples.headers.InoutHeader me,
>> @WebParam(targetNamespace = "",
> header
>> = true, mode = Mode.INOUT, partName = "header_info", name =
>> "SOAPHeaderInfo")
>> headerInfo );
>> I want to know the interpretation of section 2.3.2 (parameter order
> and
>> return type)
>> This has a paragraph about the Non wrapper style return type
>> determination
>> "If there is a single unlisted out part in the abstract output message
>> then it forms the method return type, otherwise the return type is
>> void."
>> So, my question is...
>> When we are referring to the abstract out message, are all parts
> treated
>> as out or the return type determination is a two step process where we
>> first figure out which are in, out and inout and then apply the 2.3.2
>> rule?
> Yes. Basically yuu need to determine whether a OUT part qualifies for
> INOUT and after you are done doing that for all the OUT parts, you will
> apply the rule in 2.3.2.
>> More specifically should the return type in above case be void?
> Yes, it should be void.
> -vivek.
>> Regards,
>> Navin
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