Thanks Vivek.
The answer to the 2nd question is contradicting the 1st answer.
Because there is only one pure out part in the output message i.e
inoutHeaderResponse (don't go by the name, it is just a cooked up
example), it should have been the return type as per 2.3.2
Since it non-wrapper style, as per 2.3.2 and what you say in 1., it
shouldn't be void but InoutHeaderResponse instead.
Can you please clarify?
-----Original Message-----
From: Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: 25 May 2007 19:12
Subject: Re: determination of return type for Bare (non wrapped)
Kamath, Navin wrote:
> Hi,
> Can an expert please tell me what should be the Java mapping for the
> given abstract input and output messages?
> <message name="inoutHeaderRequest">
> <part element="tns:inoutHeader" name="me"/>
> <part element="tns:SOAPHeaderInfo" name="header_info"/>
> </message>
> <message name="inoutHeaderResponse">
> <part element="tns:inoutHeaderResponse" name="the_response"/>
> <part element="tns:SOAPHeaderInfo" name="header_info"/>
> </message>
> Should it be this?
> public org.apache.samples.headers.InoutHeaderResponse inoutHeader(
> @WebParam(targetNamespace = "",
> partName = "me", name = "inoutHeader")
> org.apache.samples.headers.InoutHeader me,
> @WebParam(targetNamespace = "",
> = true, mode = Mode.INOUT, partName = "header_info", name =
> "SOAPHeaderInfo")
> headerInfo );
> I want to know the interpretation of section 2.3.2 (parameter order
> return type)
> This has a paragraph about the Non wrapper style return type
> determination
> "If there is a single unlisted out part in the abstract output message
> then it forms the method return type, otherwise the return type is
> void."
> So, my question is...
> When we are referring to the abstract out message, are all parts
> as out or the return type determination is a two step process where we
> first figure out which are in, out and inout and then apply the 2.3.2
> rule?
Yes. Basically yuu need to determine whether a OUT part qualifies for
INOUT and after you are done doing that for all the OUT parts, you will
apply the rule in 2.3.2.
> More specifically should the return type in above case be void?
Yes, it should be void.
> Regards,
> Navin
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