Vivek, checking the CVS emails for jax-ws, this change looks like it
might have happened as a result of your commits yesterday around 11:50
AM PST. Could you look at it ASAP?
Ken Hofsass wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm trying to integrate a recent build of JAXWS into WSIT in
> preparation for WSIT-AS/GF integration. The WSIT e2e tests are
> failing badly. I've tracked it down to the fact that 'wscompile' is
> not handling the '-Xnocompile' option properly (at all?) any more.
> The test harness relies on that flag. Otherwise, test compilation
> happens at the wrong time with the wrong classloader and everything
> falls apart.
> Could someone fix or add back the '-Xnocompile' functionality to
> 'wscompile' ASAP please? This is blocking the WSIT-AS/GF integration.
> many thanks,
> Ken Hofsass
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