wscompile: -Xnocompile is broken or missing

From: Ken Hofsass <Kenneth.Hofsass_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 23:41:49 -0800

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to integrate a recent build of JAXWS into WSIT in preparation
for WSIT-AS/GF integration. The WSIT e2e tests are failing badly. I've
tracked it down to the fact that 'wscompile' is not handling the
'-Xnocompile' option properly (at all?) any more. The test harness
relies on that flag. Otherwise, test compilation happens at the wrong
time with the wrong classloader and everything falls apart.

Could someone fix or add back the '-Xnocompile' functionality to
'wscompile' ASAP please? This is blocking the WSIT-AS/GF integration.

many thanks,
Ken Hofsass