Re: [HEADS-UP] more automation to document generation

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 17:51:40 -0700


When I run this tag, I see neither any section numbers nor TOC for


Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> As you know, we're now using htmlmacro for generating the JAX-WS RI
> documents. So far we've been only using it to generate the navigation
> bar on top of each page, but I've incorporated additional custom tags
> that I originally created for the ws-test-harness.
> This tag set allows you to generate TOC automatically. I updated
> wsaddressing.html with this tag set, so you'll see how it looks like if
> you update the workspace and run "ant docs" locally.
> I recommend this to all the pages in the JAX-WS RI documentation going
> forward. It reduces the overhead of an author by eliminating the need to
> manually number sections and maintain the TOC. It also promotes
> consistency by making sure that things look similar across pages.
> Here's how to use the tag.
> First, put the <content> tag right inside the <body> tag, like this:
> <body><content>
> ... all your HTML ...
> </content></body>
> Then use the <section> tags to mark sections. Sections can be nested in
> arbitrary depth.
> <body><content>
> <section title="This is first section">
> <section title="This becomes 1.1">
> ... any HTML ...
> </section>
> <section title="Another section that becomes 1.2">
> ... any HTML ...
> </section>
> </section>
> <section title="This is second section">
> ...
> </section>
> </content></body>

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.