As you know, we're now using htmlmacro for generating the JAX-WS RI
documents. So far we've been only using it to generate the navigation
bar on top of each page, but I've incorporated additional custom tags
that I originally created for the ws-test-harness.
This tag set allows you to generate TOC automatically. I updated
wsaddressing.html with this tag set, so you'll see how it looks like if
you update the workspace and run "ant docs" locally.
I recommend this to all the pages in the JAX-WS RI documentation going
forward. It reduces the overhead of an author by eliminating the need to
manually number sections and maintain the TOC. It also promotes
consistency by making sure that things look similar across pages.
Here's how to use the tag.
First, put the <content> tag right inside the <body> tag, like this:
... all your HTML ...
Then use the <section> tags to mark sections. Sections can be nested in
arbitrary depth.
<section title="This is first section">
<section title="This becomes 1.1">
... any HTML ...
<section title="Another section that becomes 1.2">
... any HTML ...
<section title="This is second section">
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems