Interoperability between PHP NuSOAP based Web Service and JAX-WS Client

From: Sergio Gutierrez <>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 20:04:12 -0500


Iam trying to develop a Web Service Cliente with JAX-WS to access a Web
Service based on the PHP NuSOAP library. I have been trying changing the
style of the WSDL from documento to RPC, but I always have the same error (A
java.lang.NullPointerException when I try to invoate the getPort method of
the Service resulting class).

Does somebody have any hint about the required structure of the WSDL to gain
interoperability between these two pieces of software?
I am Using Netbeans 5.5 Preview, JWSDP 2.0 and JDK 1.5.0 on Solaris 9 Sparc.

Thanks in advance for any help.