Re: Reading binary data from header

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 15:22:10 +0100

Venu wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Vivek Pandey wrote:
>>> StreamReaderBufferCreator.storeElementAndChildren() doesnt use
>>> enhanced streaming reader XMLStreamReaderEx.getPCData(), instead it
>>> always call getTextCharacters(), I think it should be calling this
>>> method only when there is no binary data. Since you never know when
>>> the data is binary - you can call XMLStreamReaderEx.getPCData() when
>>> the underlying reader support it?
>>> Otherwise the mtom enhanced reader will have to base64 decode and
>>> give it back which we dont want to do at that.
>> Yes, this is important (for MTOM and FI) when JAXB is used with the
>> headers. I will modify to support creation and processing using
>> XMLStreamReaderEx. I will try and get in done this week, but it may
>> take a little longer...
> I am doing this for Zephyr , I can aswell do it for StreamBuffer if it
> ok with you.

Thanks for the offer. Once i get round to do it i think it might be
quicker for me to do it. The way stream buffer uses buffers may not be
obvious and this needs to be extended for octets. So it cuts right
across a lot of code and would be significantly different from the
Zephyr impl.


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz