Re: Reading binary data from header

From: Venu <K.Venugopal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 19:39:04 +0530

Hi Paul,

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Vivek Pandey wrote:
>> StreamReaderBufferCreator.storeElementAndChildren() doesnt use
>> enhanced streaming reader XMLStreamReaderEx.getPCData(), instead it
>> always call getTextCharacters(), I think it should be calling this
>> method only when there is no binary data. Since you never know when
>> the data is binary - you can call XMLStreamReaderEx.getPCData() when
>> the underlying reader support it?
>> Otherwise the mtom enhanced reader will have to base64 decode and
>> give it back which we dont want to do at that.
> Yes, this is important (for MTOM and FI) when JAXB is used with the
> headers. I will modify to support creation and processing using
> XMLStreamReaderEx. I will try and get in done this week, but it may
> take a little longer...
I am doing this for Zephyr , I can aswell do it for StreamBuffer if it
ok with you.
> Paul.