Re: Stream-based attachment decoding

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 10:43:53 +0100

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>> Should Encoder/Decoder implementations be stateless? If not i can
>> improve on the current StreamSOAPDecoder implementation.
> They need not be. I'll elaborate javadoc that they aren't re-entrant. So
> you can use instance variables to keep stuff around for better object
> reuse.


>> +1 I want to move all the utility methods on XMLStreamReaderUtil to
>> the new interface.
> Do we really? I agree that needing to call static helper method on
> XMLStreamReaderUtil sucks, but would we really want to move them on
> XMLStreamReaderEx?
> For one thing, that means now such utility methods would cost one
> virtual method invocation. Plus we have to wrap every XMLStreamReader by
> XMLStreamReaderEx.

That is true, as the interface has changed now.

> If this were to be done when Zephyr implements XMLStreamReaderEx, that
> would be a whole different story, though...

Yes. My hope was that JAXB could also avail of such utility methods for
generated unmarshalling code.


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    Paul Sandoz