[jax-rs-spec users] Re: Default for missing _at_Path

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 15:08:07 -0500

FYI: Root resource classes require a class level @Path annotation. Maybe
you missed the end of the Javadoc where it gives and as an example?

On 2/29/2016 1:46 PM, wrote:
> Bill,
> no need to imply that I did not read the Javadocs -- I did several
> times before asking.
> Here is the full JavaDoc of @Path annotation as of v2.0. Please tell
> me where it says what Jersey will do in case no @Path is found
> anywhere in a JAX-RS resource class (yes, it talks about base URIs,
> but it does not say that the default for the annotation's value must
> be "/" or "" which is possibly what you imply and which is NOT what
> Jersey does). BTW, it DOES need explanation as I was asked that very
> question several times, so it is everything but unambiguous for others:
> @Target(value={TYPE,METHOD})
> @Retention(value=RUNTIME)
> @Documented
> public @interface Path
> Identifies the URI path that a resource class or class method will
> serve requests for.
> Paths are relative. For an annotated class the base URI is the
> application path, see ApplicationPath. For an annotated method the
> base URI is the effective URI of the containing class. For the
> purposes of absolutizing a path against the base URI , a leading '/'
> in a path is ignored and base URIs are treated as if they ended in
> '/'. E.g.:
> @Path("widgets")
> public class WidgetsResource {
> @GET
> String getList() {...}
> @GET @Path("{id}")
> String getWidget(@PathParam("id") String id) {...}
> }
> In the above, if the application path is catalogue and the
> application is deployed at, then GET requests for
> will be handled by the getList
> method while requests for
> (where nnn is some value) will be handled by the getWidget method. The
> same would apply if the value of either @Path annotation started with
> '/'.
> Classes and methods may also be annotated with Consumes and Produces
> to filter the requests they will receive.
> -Markus
>> Go read the Javadoc for @Path. It is explained there and IMO, needs
>> no further explanation.
>> On 2/29/2016 12:32 PM, wrote:
>>> According to the current wording of the JAX-RS 2.0 specification, a
>>> compliant JAX-RS resource class not necessarily must have a @Path
>>> annotation (it is enough to have @GET for example). Maybe I am
>>> blind, but I cannot see an explanation what the default path shall
>>> be in case no @Path is found. So my question is:
>>> How do Jersey / CXF / RestEasy handle this case currently, and won't
>>> it be a good idea if we add a short note to the JAX-RS 2.1 spec how
>>> it SHALL be like?
>>> -Markus

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat