Wow Markus, you need to learn writing concise emails. After reading about a hundred of other emails today I lost all will to read this as soon as I looked at it… :) What is the TL;DR; for your message?
> On 10 Dec 2014, at 23:46, Markus KARG <> wrote:
> Santiago,
> you asked for statements on the reactive paradigm w.r.t. JAX-RS. I'd like to
> chime in here, as I already sent a proposal to you by private mail recently
> which was not published so far. It is fair to begin again from the start, so
> all experts have the same page to start.
> The reactive paradigm (see Reactive Manifesto,
> is rather popular these days, as it makes
> software simply better, and it makes programming better software simpler, at
> the same time. Having worked with reactive APIs for a few months, I really
> love the simplicity to express dependend / mapped events like "when stock
> ticker reports a price lower than last reported limit, then inform any
> interested clients" in one single perfectly clean and readable code line!
> Projected to JAX-RS, reactive programs would allow to declare / predefine
> event-driven process chains (EPC) once ("fire and forget" solution), while
> some kind of state engine is free to implement the actual way to "play" that
> predefined paths later when the particular events actually do arise (again
> and again, without the need to write a loop). This offers perfectly scalable
> and consistent solutions to any event-driven problems. While these problems
> historically are mostly found in GUIs, it more and more becomes obvious that
> RESTful applications deal with the same need: scalable, event-driven
> scenarios.
> While the original JSR 370 charter proposes use of reactive programming for
> clients only, I'd like to suggest not to narrow our vision on client only. I
> do see good reasons to support reactive programming on the server side also.
> But let's start with client:
> Looking at the evolutions in the field of web technologies, with the advent
> of SSE, WebSockets, etc. there is a shift from HTTP's historical
> request-response pattern to a request-response initiation phase followed by
> a list of asynchronously received events of unknown number and possibly
> "endless" pauses in between. The typical scenario here is a stock ticker,
> which sends price updates at some random time. Possibly one event per
> second. Possibly one per year. We simply can't anticipate, so how to code
> it? A visualization of this ticker sends a request to initialize a
> "session", and will then listen for events. We all know this as "event loop
> pattern": Receive event, process event, wait. With reactive programming, we
> can concentrate on writing the "process event" part only, while "receive
> event" and "wait" parts of that loop (and the loop itself) are hidden. Pure
> IoC. An underlying programming framework (JAX-RS Client) will do that hidden
> part, serving as an IoC container, and that Client framework is free to
> decide about the way to do that, possibly (and hopefully) using non-blocking
> APIs, work-stealing, thread pooling, and all the other smart things that
> keeps the GUI reactive, and reduces CPU load by preventing unnecessary
> blocking, spinning, etc.
> REST is an event-driven paradigm, and JAX-RS already supports this in a
> declarative way already. But, just like servlets narrows "event" down to
> "http request", JAX-RS narrows "event" down to "http method", which is not
> application-level events (like "stock price received"). Looking at
> asynchronous processing and the hype around complex event processing, it
> might make sense to use reactive programming on the server side to step up
> to the application-level and event combinations. For example, our server
> might listen to two event sources ("stock price change" and "order
> submittance / order cancellation") and needs to "broadcast" when a
> particular event combination happens (like "share price higher than highest
> valid bid", where server A publishes events on share price changes, while
> server B publishes events about changes in the order book). To solve this,
> our server needs to keep some "history" of both event sources. This can be
> done rather simple with local properties updated by the two event sources,
> and binding that properties to provide a third property using an operation
> (here: when-higher-than-max), the result. When that result changes, our
> server broadcasts an event to any waiting asynchronous clients. A reactive
> API would solve this is three lines of code, solely by defining the two
> source properties and what they wait for (received SSE), and the resulting
> third property and what to do when it changes (send SSE).
> These might not be the best examples, but it showcases the need and
> usefulness of reactive programming in a JAX-RS application in client AND
> server.
> The question now is: Do we NEED that? And if we need that, shall we define
> our own, NEW, API or reuse an existing one?
> In anticipation I'd like to provide my personal statement: Yes to need, yes
> to reuse. Event processing (i. e. produce events as combination of other
> events) is very useful in many applications. There already is a reactive API
> bundled with Oracle's Java SE distribution, hence available on virtually
> most JREs (Oracle's, not IBM's). It is part of the JavaFX open source
> product, and found in a mostly standalone package. Rather every JavaFX user
> is mastering it already. Hence, I do not see a need for a complete new API,
> but think it might make more sense to use that one as a starting point:
> JavaFX Beans Binding API. It allows to define properties which can be bound
> to other properties (or simply spoken, to event sources), which can be bound
> in turn to operations (simply spoken, to operations), forming an
> event-driven process chain. It works well, is simple, well documented,
> scalable, and performance-optimized. But it is completely non-declarative,
> i. e. it does not build on annotations but on algorithmic coding (there is
> no need for annotations in JavaFX, as JavaFX uses the declarative FXML
> language to define the chains, hence algorithmic programming is optional).
> As there is no FXML in JAX-RS (and I assume nobody wants to have that) there
> might arise a need to at least define annotations to declare the chains in
> lieu FXML and to reduce the need for algorithmic coding.
> I did not make up my mind to a point beyond that and like to pass on to Bill
> and Sergey here, as Marek and Santiago where already informed about my
> proposal already. :-)
> Regards
> -Markus