[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Support for JAX-RS 2.0

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 19:07:18 +0200



in preparation for the next lecture on JAX-RS I'm giving at JUG Stuttgart,
I'd like to prepare for another question I heard at JUG Karlsruhe: How good
is support for JAX-RS currently?


In particular, people liked to know which products implement JAX-RS 2.0
already and have passed the TCK.


So I'd be happy if the vendors among us could post a link to their
particular open source product page where it is indicated that their product
can be downloaded and is JAX-RS 2.0 compliant.


I tried to find the information on my own, but for example with CXF the web
site says it is JSR 311 / JAX-RS 1.0 compliant only. And I couldn't find any
information about IBM and OW2 poduct status regarding JAX-RS 2.0, while
TomEE+ apparently seems to have JAX-RS 1.0 only. (after more than one year
since JAX-RS 2.0)?!


I will include all the links arriving in-time on a slide, so this is usefuly
for the products' popularity, too.


