On Friday, June 20, 2014, Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> AT> So I think that probably the most interesting thing to add to this
> AT> discussion is some concrete use cases that demonstrate why JAX-RS MVC
> is
> AT> exactly necessary.
> I think it is important here to remember that we have different groups of
> users, making applications in different ways, and it is too hard to put all
> of them in a single box.
I agree, and that's why there's a flourishing scene of many, many
alternative frameworks. In Java alone I counted well over a hundred of
them, and including non-java solutions there's probably thousands of them.
But how many full stack frameworks include 2 or more different web
frameworks? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Spring, Play,
Grails or Ruby on Rails (just to name a few) have two web frameworks.
There is one that I know of and that's Microsoft's .Net. But is that really
a good example to follow? Microsoft is somewhat known to have different
alternatives for their own technology (like WinForms vs WPF vs MFC vs bare
Win32 in a way, etc).
There's plenty of choice for Java programmers already. In fact, it's a
complaint one not rarely hears that there's too much too choose from in
Java EE simplifies that by being a wildly used full stack framework with
good default choices for everything. If Java EE is going to offer two web
frameworks I'm afraid it will lead to much confusion of what to use.
Likewise I foresee much doubt in people's minds about whether Oracle will
keep supporting two web frameworks. We have heard the promises and we know
how JSF is the foundation of ADF which is very important to Oracle, but
will people in general also know this?
> From my personal point of view, JAX-RS MVC has sense because there is
> people
> who thinks that this approach has sense. It is a bad pattern? old
> fashioned?
> Who knows, don't care, but it is something accepted, with an audience and
> it
> has sense to give these guys a standard solution. It is worth to do it?
> Maybe,
> maybe not, but if not why some people still use Spring MVC? could it be
> that
> this approach is easier to understand, and only that is its own strength?.
Might be the case, but I'd be wary about any silver bullets. Too often
things that initially look simpler for some use cases appear to have issues
at other places that only become clear when you really use that other thing.
If anything, it would be nice to see some clear examples demonstrating that
Spring MVC is simpler and that this simplicity can only be reached by
following the Spring model as closely as possible.
The point is that I haven't seen much if any such examples. I'm not saying
there aren't any, but just that nobody has provided them in this
discussion. For such a major and perhaps controversial operation I'm really
wondering why the discussion wasn't started with this.
As you mentioned and researched, the advantage of action frameworks is not
performance, as JSF already outperforms many action oriented frameworks.
With view pooling and further optimisations things could be pushed even
State is another touted advantage of action frameworks. While not having
much impact on performance, it can sometimes be nasty to deal with. JSF 2.2
already introduced a bare stateless mode and I'm sure we can do even better
for 2.3.
Kind regards,
> regards,
> Leonardo
> 2014-06-04 13:56 GMT-05:00 arjan tijms <arjan.tijms_at_gmail.com
> <javascript:;>>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, Edward Burns wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> AT> but with a small modification to this class and an addition to the
> ID
> >> AT> generation code for components, it might be quite doable to
> "manually"
> >> AT> extract the data posted by existing components without needing the
> >> original
> >> AT> view.
> >>
> >> Arjan, you are describing the single most essential concept of JSF. I
> >> think it would be a mistake to carry this concept forward into JAX-RS
> >> MVC.
> >
> >
> > Well, the above was more about thinking (brainstorming) how components
> could
> > possibly be supported (if so required) and less about that they should be
> > supported via that mechanism. I'm not even sure yet if such an approach
> > would work at all.
> >
> > It does beg the question of what happens if people do put an h:form or
> > equivalent on a JAX-RS MVC Facelet. Runtime error? Undefined behavior? Or
> > will it just work for those cases where the JAX-RS MVC Controller
> happens to
> > forward to the right view?
> >
> >> The action oriented MVC programming model does not have such a
> >> notion and to introduce it would be making it a different programming
> >> model.
> >
> >
> > It would, but perhaps this does bring us back to the original question of
> > what problem JAX-RS MVC exactly tries to solve. Maybe I've missed it,
> but I
> > haven't seen any clear examples.
> >
> > If the problem eventually boils down to the fact that JSF is just not
> Spring
> > MVC (doesn't follow its exact programming model), then of course there's
> > little else to do then take over that model as accurately as possible.
> >
> > I.e. to compare with Java 8 again; if the problem was above all that
> Java is
> > not Haskell, then adding lambdas to Java wouldn't have made much sense
> and
> > the best option would have been to just copy Haskell (or maybe not even
> copy
> > it, just use it as is). But if the problem is more about the fact that
> e.g.
> > making code run in parallel is not that easy in Java 7, then adding
> lambdas
> > to Java 8 is a perfectly acceptable solution.
> >
> > Back to JSF, if the problem is that doing pre-processing is too hard, or
> > that state is still too often required, or that rebuilding the view on a
> > postback is too costly, etc then there are likely a bunch of possible
> > solutions, some of which may be inspired by how Spring MVC does things,
> but
> > it wouldn't matter if we'll be making another programming model. Just as
> > Java and Scala ended up being a different model than Haskell, it wouldn't
> > matter if JAX-RS MVC became a different programming model than Spring
> MVC if
> > the goal was never to be exactly like Spring MVC.
> >
> > So I think that probably the most interesting thing to add to this
> > discussion is some concrete use cases that demonstrate why JAX-RS MVC is
> > exactly necessary.
> >
> > Without those it's maybe also hard for JSF users to help out with the
> > effort. I mean, I personally have some experience with extending JSF in
> > various ways, and I've got a bunch of ideas how JSF could be modified to
> > support some action oriented patterns. However, if the idea would be to
> > mostly copy Spring MVC or to standardize what Jersey has already done,
> then
> > I'm less sure about the ways in which I can contribute.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Arjan