One more thing.
Can you please show where this sentence from 3.7.2,
"For example, the following holds
text/html;q=1.0;qs=0.7;d=0 ≥ application/xml;q=1.0;qs=0.2;d=0 even
though text/html is in-comparable to application/xml according to..."
starts making a difference,
is it in a case like this:
Accept: text/html, application/xml
@Produces({"text/html;qs=0.7"}) m1()
@Produces({"application/xml;qs=0.3"}) m2()
S(text/html, text/html), S(text/html, application/xml) =
(for m1)
S(text/html, application/xml), S(application/xml, application/xml) =
(for m2)
hence m1 wins...Guess yes, just typing away to get my spec knowledge to
the next level :-)
Thanks, Sergey
On 09/04/13 09:45, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi
> On 08/04/13 18:15, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen wrote:
>> On Apr 8, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Sergey Beryozkin<>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Santiago
>>>>>>>> Here a few interesting cases:
>>>>>>>> (I) Request (Accept: text/plain, application/xml)
>>>>>>>> Resource {
>>>>>>>> @GET @Produces("text/*") m1() { ... }
>>>>>>>> @GET @Produces("application/xml") m2() { ... }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> Which method should be matched in this case?
>>>>>>>> (II) Same as (I) but with q=0.8 in Accept:
>>>>>>>> Request (Accept: text/plain, application/xml;q=0.8)
>>>>>>>> What about in this case?
>>>> It does not in any way complicate the algorithm implementation (it
>>>> obviously doesn't need to follow the formalization in the spec). It
>>>> does, however, resolve a number of ambiguous cases involving
>>>> _incompatible_ types that do not follow the simple m/n> m/*> */*
>>>> rule (for a fixed m and n).
>>> Is there any chance that you can give me a favor and 'apply' a spec
>>> text in this thread to cases (I), (II) and one more case involving
>>> incompatible types (please choose at your discretion) ?
>> Sure.
>> (I) - Step 3a has M = { m1, m2 }
>> - There's no t or C_M in this case (it's a GET!)
>> - A = { text/plain, application/xml }
>> We are looking for the max according to>= as follows:
>> max>= {
>> S(text/plain, text/*), S(application/xml, text/*), // for m1
>> S(text/plain, application/xml), S(application/xml, application/xml) //
>> for m2
>> } =
>> max>= {
>> text/plain;q=1;qs=1;d=1, \bottom, // for m1
>> \bottom, application/xml;q=1;qs=1;d=0 // for m2
>> } =
>> application/xml;q=1;qs=1;d=0 // wins because of its value of d
>> (II) Same as (i) except that in this case 'text/plain;q=1;qs=1;d=1'
>> wins because its q is> than 0.8.
>> Hope this helps.
> It does.
> IMHO, it is useful for the implementers to double check that the
> formalized approach produces the same result as the one deemed to be
> equivalent in the actual implementation; I was able to do that easily
> enough when working on a "setting the correct response type" task, but
> thought that I'd rather get some clarifications on 3.7.2 first.
> Thanks, Sergey
>> -- Santiago