[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why do we need new UriInfo Methods?

From: Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 10:25:14 -0500

On Feb 15, 2013, at 4:57 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:

>>>>> And given static is not quite cool, what are other options apart from getting a support from UriBuilder ?
>>>> Note that UriInfo is passed as an argument to Link.buildResolved() and Link.buildRelativized(). Thus, this is not a 1-line change.
>>> I see Link.Builder only needs 1 arg UriInfo resolve& relativize ? I've actually implemented Link.Builder with this assumption...
>> Right, what I meant is that if we move all the methods to a class other than UriInfo, we'd need to update the methods above. Moving only the 2-arg methods isn't a good idea IMO as it just disconnects things even more.
> I have this feeling I'm not following something simple :-).
> - Link.Builder only needs a 1-arg related UriInfo method.
> - Same I'd assume is the case for the custom application code working with the injected UriInfo
> Question: what is the use case for getting related 2-arg UriInfo methods called, as far as dealing with the current request or response is concerned ?
> I guess the answer may be found in the earlier discussion about expanding the support for Links, but I'd really appreciate some clarification here

 I'm not sure if there was any discussion about the 2-arg method. As it stands now, the 1-arg method is defined based on the 2-arg. Could we drop the 2-arg method? Possibly, but it won't change the implementation effort and we may miss some use cases that don't fall into the general case.

-- Santiago