[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Re: Re: Priority annotation build issue

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 12:26:45 +0000

On 14/02/13 11:45, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> On 14/02/13 11:39, Marek Potociar wrote:
>> FYI, the javax.annotation-api 1.2-b02 with fixed target should be
>> available on maven central now.
> Brilliant, going to test now...

Confirmed it work with SE6, - thanks for a quick response to this issue

Cheers, Sergey

> Cheers, Sergey
>> Marek
>> On Feb 13, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Sergey Beryozkin<>
>> wrote:
>>> On 13/02/13 17:21, Marek Potociar wrote:
>>>> I'm aware of our agreement. Yet in a situation where we are opening
>>>> and questioning major features 2 weeks before PFD is due, why not to
>>>> revisit also this one? ;)
>>> Nice one, I've nearly fallen from my chair :-)
>>>> FYI - do not worry, the Java EE Common Annotations API spec lead is
>>>> already working on a release that will have the source and target
>>>> level set to "1.6".
>>> Good news - thanks for the help on this one; I think/hope it will be
>>> good for RI too
>>> thanks, Sergey
>>>> Marek
>>>> On Feb 12, 2013, at 6:04 PM, Sergey Beryozkin<>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 12/02/13 16:30, Marek Potociar wrote:
>>>>>> I have contacted the spec lead of Common Annotations API to
>>>>>> release a new version. We'll see how it goes. Note however that
>>>>>> Java EE 7 requires Java SE 7.
>>>>> Thanks Marek; we've agreed though to let the implementations that
>>>>> do not necessarily target EE environments implement 2.0 API without
>>>>> forcing them to move to SE 7, so to be honest, and IMHO, it has to
>>>>> be a a consistent decision on behalf of this group to support this
>>>>> case, though I'd obviously appreciate a good will gesture from the
>>>>> spec lead of Common Annotations API -
>>>>> Example, releasing a SE-6 targeted only version would not affect
>>>>> the requirement for EE 7 deployments to have core artifacts built
>>>>> with SE7 and such
>>>>> Cheers, Sergey
>>>>>> Marek
>>>>>> On Feb 12, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Sergey
>>>>>> Beryozkin<> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> We can not use Priority annotation in out Java 1.6 build and it
>>>>>>> effectively blocks us from migrating - and unfortunately we can
>>>>>>> not afford dropping Java 1.6 in the short term.
>>>>>>> I'm hoping one of the proposed solutions at [1] will do, but I'm
>>>>>>> sending the message to the list in case we can find yet another
>>>>>>> option
>>>>>>> Thanks, Sergey
>>>>>>> [1]