On Nov 8, 2012, at 7:48 PM, "Markus KARG" <markus_at_headcrashing.eu> wrote:
>> Suppose I have:
>> @Path("customer/{id}")
>> public class CustomerResource {
>> When I use UriBuilder.fromResource(CustomerResource.class)
>> The builder creates a URI, %-encoding the { and } in the path.
>> This sort feels both, wrong and correct :-)
>> Question: what is the desired behavior?
> The above code is not creating an URI, it is creating an URIBuilder.
> To create an URI you must invoke build("MyID") on this URIBuilder, which
> creates an URI that looks like "customer/MyID".
Thanks - missed the toTemplate() method.
WebTarget customerTarget = baseTarget.path(UriBuilder.fromResource(CustomerResource.class).build().toASCIIString());
should have been
WebTarget customerTarget = baseTarget.path(UriBuilder.fromResource(CustomerResource.class).toTemplate());
but the fluent API was just carrying me along without thinking :-)
Kinda tricky .... the combinations between these APIs :-)
> If that is not produced by your software, then it is definitively wrong and
> you should file a ticket.
> Regards
> Markus