[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Re: Link default behavior doing 'too much'

From: Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 10:09:17 -0500

On Nov 3, 2012, at 6:56 PM, Jan Algermissen <> wrote:

> On Nov 3, 2012, at 11:29 PM, Jan Algermissen <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> playing around with Link I realize that it makes me 'work around' to achieve most basic use cases:
>> - I often only want the URI of a given resource class or sub
>> resource; since Link building requires me to pass a rel value
> Have to correct myself here, because fromResourceMethod() provides a version without required rel value.
> What is missing for me is
> fromResource(Class<?> resource)
> in addition to
> fromResource(Class<?> resource,String rel)

 Well, yes, for symmetry with the other two methods we should add this one as well.

-- Santiago

> (I have been confused a little because the whole thing does not really work in whatever JAX-RS 2.0 version comes with Glassfish b61.)
> Jan
>> I have to work with dummy values (e.g. "norel") or pass in null
>> (if that is even possible).
>> Both leads to 'strange' code. I think we should have Links and
>> means of link building without requiring a rel value.
>> - The idea to set the 'type' parameter per default makes the default
>> toString() behavior emphasize a bad-practice. (Putting in type
>> information might seem like a good idea to most people, but it really
>> is against the idea that REST focusses on deferring such information
>> to the actual request/response.)
>> I think we should have another method besides toString() for generating
>> link header values that include 'type' and make toString() exhibit
>> 'correct' behavior.
>> - Using 'type' information as the source for setting 'Accept' when
>> calling Invocation.Builder#invocation(Link) is also something that
>> leads away from RESTful design more than it leads towards it.
>> Clients set 'Accept' based on *their* intentions and capabilities.
>> That is, for example, why Browsers set 'Accept: image/*" or similar
>> when following an <img src=""> link and what that link does not and does
>> not need to provide any information about the media type of the image.
>> Bottom line, with 'Link' for the first time the default behavior of JAX-RS goes against REST principles. Misguiding developers.
>> (The built in support for application/xml and application/json has been misguiding since day one but at least it cleanly gets out of your way when you are doing RESTful systems. The application/xml and application/json entity providers are very often a quick win if you simply want XML over HTTP stuff, but they do not make me write strange code to do RESTful stuff).
>> I recommend to rework 'Link' to naturally allow both, the quick wins some people like and RESTful design, too.
>> Jan